The Next Book Might Not Be Jonah

The next book will be Jonah? Scratch that. I might just go with Exodus. It’s longer, and vastly more complex, but also of an importance commensurate with it’s size and complexity over Jonah.

I’m going to perform one final check of Genesis and then begin the next book. The reader is probably not as important as I thought, doku will be fine for now. People can open multiple windows if they want to see commentary side by side for now anyways, and the likelyhood of a straight copy into book form is very un-likely. A print form would probably have to be manually laid out. The real work of a print form would be to check the layout anyways so an automatic layout from some kind of data page is actually not really as useful as it may appear.

That being said, a manually laid out online “reader’s version” might not be too difficult a production from the “source” dokuwiki. I plan to worry about the reader program much much later once I have a more salable product to offer.

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