Table of Contents

Falsification of Atheism

“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent 'Mind'. This 'Mind' is the matrix of all matter.Max Planck, “Das Wesen der Materie” (The Nature of Matter) 1944

Proof for God could take many forms, but one form is the proof that we are living in a simulated universe; for then whatever being, consciousness or intelligence is simulating this universe would occupy the position of omnipotent “God” and would naturally take all the presupposed qualities of God; omiscience, omnipresence, etc.



You can watch these and get a good layman's grasp of the below:

Executive Summary

The state of scientific research today indicates the following as factual:

(note: by “physical universe” we mean that which is fundamental to our physical universe, ex. time, space, energy, matter of any type incl. elementary particles)

1. All expectations of a simulated –> or created universe have been experimentally verified.

2. the universe is a product of the process of emergence and the process is not inside this universe but in what might be called as an “other” deeper fundamental (not “more fundamental”) universe.

3. The existence of the universe itself requires the existance of a super-conscious –> or omniscient consciousness who, at the very least: can observe every observer in the physical universe does not exist –> or is not bound by, the physical universe operates, by necessity, what might be called the machinery which simulates our universe

Conclusions: 1. We are living in a created universe; more specifically than that, a simulated universe by what mechanism does not exist in our universe.

2. There is a God who created the universe. We have true independant consciousness. We have true “free-will”.

Free Will: A small part of the supra-universal god consciousness (as found required by physics) exists in all of us, and informs our consciousness and our free-will. That is to say, our free-will is not a product of determinism within this physical universe but instead determines the determinism itself from outside the bounds of our reality – our own desire to create reality determines the determinism from outside the bounds of determinism – we can change the world.

Existance of God: An active observer is at the very least:

What we don't know:

What we suspect and/or propose:

1. Experimental Evidence for a created universe

First, lets examine the possible cases.

In both cases there are two further cases;

The position that it is impossible to tell (that there is no evidence) is not logical, because there is in fact scientific evidence of the nature of the universe. As we have seen, this lead us to one position or the other.

Now let's regroup these as follows:

Now the question from a scientific perspective is, if there is any reason to go against the evidence. Thus from a scientific perspective we are led to follow the evidence; especially if experimental evidence suggests a particular model, and further experimental evidence verifies that model. So we are left with:

  1. The evidence suggests we are living in a created universe
  2. The evidence suggests we are not living in a created universe.

It is now the case that scientific experimental evidence has shown we live in a created universe. This will be explained in 2 below.

2. Expectations of a Created Universe

Scientifically speaking a non-created universe is a fundamental universe, where the properties of the universe are considered fundamental. Properties like matter, time, space, energy, thermodynamics, entropy and so forth are considered fundamental. Particles like electrons, protons and electrons are considered fundamental.

Scientifically speaking a created universe is a universe in which the basic fundamental properties of the universe, such as time, space, matter and energy, are not actually fundamental but arise out of some deeper fundamental reality (again, ex. To be clear, we are not talking about (for example) how chemical reactions and molecules can be considered an emergent reality or an emergenty property of, for example, a particle physics such as quantum mechanics. What is being discussed is whether or not the mechanism by which these properties emerge can be known or not known. In the case that they can not be known, they are considered fundamental. In the case that they can be known, we see that the universe has been created.

Again; what is not an example of this is how molecular reactions arise out of atomic interactions or particle physics. An example would be the holographic principle; something we know to be true, even experimentally, but for which no direct model can ever be observed. The loss of the ability to directly observe this model, because it is assumed to be the fundamental reality by which our own reality emerges.

However, if it is possible to determine the mechanism by which the properties of this universe is created out of those then it is possible to determine the nature of the creation itself.

3. The nature of the created universe

What is the nature of our universe? In what way have we determined that it has been created?

In every way that it is expected that a created universe will operate, in that all fundamental properties are shown to be emergent properties of a deeper, more fundamental reality, our universe is shown to operate in that fashion.

Expected properties of a Created Universe

A created universe has a beginning and a first cause: As observed. This demonstrates our reality is not fundamental and must have come into existence from something more fundamental.

Pixelation of Reality

Our universe is not infinitely divisible. Once you examine the lowest levels of reality you see jumps and skips. This means that our reality is “pixelated”. If our universe was created or emergent out of some deeper fundamental reality, then within the nature of that reality the existance of our reality would be limited; I.E. there would be an infinite amount of information in our universe (it would be shown to be fundamental). What we observe in fact shows us that our universe is constrained by it's emergence from a deeper fundamental reality:

Emergence as a Processed Trait

If the emergence itself is fundamental then it would preserve infinite information from the previous level of reality. What is observed is the information in our universe is constrained by the emergence out of some deeper level of reality:

The nature of observer

The universe is determined to be active upon observation only.

4. Physics Background: Holographic Principle

The holographic principle is a tenet of string theories and a supposed property of quantum gravity that states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a lower-dimensional boundary to the region—such as a light-like boundary like a gravitational horizon. First proposed by Gerard 't Hooft, it was given a precise string-theory interpretation by Leonard Susskind[1] who combined his ideas with previous ones of 't Hooft and Charles Thorn.[1][2] As pointed out by Raphael Bousso,[3] Thorn observed in 1978 that string theory admits a lower-dimensional description in which gravity emerges from it in what would now be called a holographic way. The prime example of holography is the AdS/CFT correspondence.

The holographic principle was inspired by black hole thermodynamics, which conjectures that the maximal entropy in any region scales with the radius squared, and not cubed as might be expected. In the case of a black hole, the insight was that the informational content of all the objects that have fallen into the hole might be entirely contained in surface fluctuations of the event horizon. The holographic principle resolves the black hole information paradox within the framework of string theory.[4] However, there exist classical solutions to the Einstein equations that allow values of the entropy larger than those allowed by an area law, hence in principle larger than those of a black hole. These are the so-called “Wheeler's bags of gold”. The existence of such solutions conflicts with the holographic interpretation, and their effects in a quantum theory of gravity including the holographic principle are not fully understood yet.[5]

Also see: “The Black Hole War” by Leonard Susskind which is a fascinating look at the details and implications of the Holographic Principle.

What does this mean? It means that the information in our universe is not fundamental to our universe and is constrained by it's existence in some other fundamental level of reality.

5. Constraints on information and emergence

The constraints on the information and it's emergence show that the information source is non-fundamental to our universe.

Non-Locality and Entanglement

In the media and popular science, quantum nonlocality is often portrayed as being equivalent to entanglement. However, this is not the case. Quantum entanglement can be defined only within the formalism of quantum mechanics, i.e., it is a model-dependent property. In contrast, nonlocality refers to the impossibility of a description of observed statistics in terms of a local hidden variable model, so it is independent of the physical model used to describe the experiment.

It is true that for any pure entangled state there exists a choice of measurements that produce Bell nonlocal correlations, but the situation is more complex for mixed states. While any Bell nonlocal state must be entangled, there exist (mixed) entangled states which do not produce Bell nonlocal correlations[28] (although, operating on several copies of some of such states,[29] or carrying out local post-selections,[30] it is possible to witness nonlocal effects). In addition, reasonably simple examples of Bell inequalities have been found for which the quantum state giving the largest violation is never a maximally entangled state, showing that entanglement is, in some sense, not even proportional to nonlocality.[31][32][33]

Identicality of Particles and ZPF

Processing limitations per area

6. Computer code found in string theory equations

7. Confirmations: Falsification of Realism

All of the above (1-6) has led to the scientific falsification of realism.


8. Nature of emergent universe

Conclusions: The universe is essentially a simulation running on a computer which is created by the projection into our space-time of information stored in a list by some active computational process.

9a. The emergent nature of consciousness

Consciousness itself is an emergent property of quantum entanglement and quantum weirdness:

9b. SuperUniversal Consciousness

Schroedinger's Cat 2.0. Because we are entangled with schroedinger's cat a second consciousness is required to cause us (both) to exist. if you keep stacking these eventually you arrive at the requirement for a 'cosmic consciousness' which observes (at least) all observers in the universe, without actually existing in or being bound by the emergent nature of our universe. I.E. we are living in a created universe and there is someone operating the creation from outside (analogy: someone is programming or operating the computer which is simulating our universe).


10. We are created in the image of God

Whatever superuniversal omniscient entity is serving this universe from outside the universe, our brains can hook into this process of consciousness by operating in the same manner as it does; i.e. we are capable of communicating with this entity because whatever emergent activity created the universe is also fueling our consciousness and sentience; i.e. we are created in the image of God and are capable of communicating with whoever or whatever it is on the “other side”.


We know the universe is created, and we know there is a super-observer who is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. We are however unaware of two key points;

  1. The mechanism, means or process by which the universe is created
  2. Whether or not this God is de-facto the God of the bible (i.e. the nature of this God; is it intelligent, or merely an observer).

To 1 and 2, understand carefully that the observer has carefully chosen to project the information and is engaged in the process of it's projection; therefore the implication is that “God” is intelligent. Secondly, the best analogy, the closest analogy, is that we are living in a highly detailed computer simulation. (All sensory inputs operate over the same kind of nerve cells; the brain differentiates between senses entirely based on the particular pattern of that input.

In conclusion, whatever machine is simulating our universe does not exist in our universe. And therefore can never be directly detected from within our universe. Secondly it does not need to operate under the laws of our universe – for example in such a proposed universe there does not need to be things like time, beginnings or endings, etc.

Digital Physics Video

Proposes the following:

  1. Pixelated spacetime (ex. planck length, quantized electrons/photons)
  2. A maximum speed limit (ex. based on a frame rate or refresh rate or maximum processing speed)
  3. Objects only render upon observation
    • observer paradoxes ala particle-wave duality, probability fields,
    • quantum weirdness blurrs out but never goes away
      • violation of Legget-Garg inequality observed; quantum and macro worlds are not separate; observer can matter on a macro scale (2011)
  4. A cosmic beginning
    • Demonstrates our reality is not fundamental and must have come into existance from something more fundamental.
  5. Non-Locality (ex. quantum entanglement)
  6. Particles that are identical in all respects
    • Classes of particle – like “itemtype” variables in an array
  7. Empty space that isn't actually empty
    • ex. Heisenberg uncertainty principle requires a zero-point field everywhere – even in a perfect vaccum
      • ex. information processing artifacts such as temporarily spawned particles in a zpf
    • transmission of electromagnetic fields is co-dependent
  8. Creates back-histories (18:18)
    • objects rendered in place as if they had been there all along
    • “the past history of an unobserved particle can be determined in the present, seemingly altering what happened in the past by how the experimenter chose to observe the particle”
    • “our choice of what experiment to do determines the prior state of the electron”
  9. Processing limitations per area
    • Time slows down when there is more mass in an area suggesting more time needed to calculate interactions in a local area (so near a black hole time slows down locally)
    • uncertainty principle – if the location is fully rendered the momentum cannot be, and vice versa.
  10. Tunneling effects
    • 21:30 basically, information processing artifacts look like quantum weirdness.
      • “The computational limits imposed by simulation, when you simulate a virtual world on a computer, essentially resulted in the same sort of artifacts or problems that make quantum mechanics weird.”
  11. Space that emerges from Non-space
    • The fabric of space-time is emerging from something beneath it (space and time is not fundamental, it emerges from information)
  12. Contains actual computer code
    • in 2008 it was discovered that inside the supersymmetric string theory equations used to describe the universe is a special kind of computer code that was 'invented' by Claude Shannon in the 1940s (known as Shannon Coding today).
  1. Bostrom's simulation hypothesis (2003) (weak, but, included for completeness)
  2. Entangled spacetime – Holographic Principle – Our reality is a holographic projection of information stored in a lower dimensional hologram
    • I.E. a projection of information stored in a, for example, 2 dimensional surface
      • ER=EPR Holographic Convergence
        • Ex. wormholes in 3d = quantum entanglement in 2d
        • Ex. two maximally entangled einstein-rosen bridges which are themselves on non-interactive sheets
        • “Then, space itself is defined by quantum entanglement”
        • “Spacetime geometries, in general, emerge from quantum entanglement” (i.e. are emergent properties of..)
    • From 'Quantum non-realism' as discovered in 2007
      • The locations of particles do not exist prior to measurement
        • If the location of two entanged particles does not exist prior to measurement, then neither does the distance between them
        • “So, what we see as space only emerges from quantum entanglement after somebody makes a measurement.”
  3. 39:50 entangled consciousness

10:00 The point is made that whatever machine is simulating our universe does not exist in our universe. And therefore can never be directly detected(!!) and does not need to operate under the laws of our universe(!!) for example in such a proposed universe there does not need to be things like time, beginnings or endings, etc.

ex. “the machine is not in this universe and the universe is a consequence of its running.”


The evidence suggests we are living in a “Digital Universe”.

What is interesting is that the Abraham narrative shows that one can discover the existance of God out of observation of the natural world. Secondly, AFAIK there is a law which commands the knowledge of the existance of God. We can now fulfill this law within scientific knowledge, whereas previously it would only be able to be fulfilled religiously. There is a creator– there is a first cause and this is a simulation, therefore someone or something is running it. The room between science and religion is now merely which “God” is doing this, and whether or not we even know, or can know such a question.

God bless us all with the wisdom we need to do the right thing!

Appendix 1 Appledog's Universe Dots Analogy

Let us compare the pysical world which we see to a magazine or newspaper cartoon. In the cartoon we see, as we do in the real world, an image.

If we look closer however, we see that the article is actually made up of little tiny dots (esp. newspaper). This would be like the molecules we discover in the real world. Let's extend this to the universe to try and understand the nature of the projection theory.

If we look at a galaxy cluster in the sky it looks like a star. This star is like what we see in our physical world. We see some image. Looking closer however, we see as follows:

So what's smaller than a quark?

Nothing, quarks are the planck length, more or less:

The fact that the elements fit nicely into a table based on their weights and chemical properties suggested that the elemental atoms are actually just different combinations of even smaller entities. Only a few decades after Mendeleev presented his table, humans observed these sub-atomic entities when Thomson discovered the electron (1897), Rutherford the atomic nucleus (1910), and Chadwick the neutron (1932).

Soon after the discovery of the neutron, discoveries of particles that didn’t fit into our simple atomic model (e.g. pion, kaon, Lambda) hinted that a revision of that model was needed. In the 1960’s, Gell-Mann suggested that these new particles, as well as protons and neutrons, were actually entries in another periodic table which he called the “Eightfold Way.”

Just as we now understand the diverse elements to be combinations of only three particles (protons, neutrons, and electrons), the Eightfold Way explained protons, neutrons, kaons, pions, etc. as combinations of particles that we now call quarks. Only five years after Gell-Mann proposed his theory, these quarks were observed at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.

And this is where it stands today. As far as we know, quarks are indivisible; i.e., quarks are the smallest unit matter in the nucleus. But wait! We do observe there to be six quarks arranged in three generations:

I know what you’re thinking: But this is another table! This looks just like the Periodic Table or the Eightfold Way! Isn’t this therefore a hint that even quarks (and leptons) are made up of something smaller still?
(emphasis added)

However, we do know there is probably something smaller than the quark. If we say that quarks are size 'a', and that the planck length is size 'c', then we know from the LHC experiments discussed on that page (ibid) that that there is some size b which is ~1/20,000 the width of a proton, but for which

a > b > c

And therefore, quarks are made of something.

But we cannot ever know or detect what happens at the planck length.

The Planck area is the area by which the surface of a spherical black hole increases when the black hole swallows one bit of information. To measure anything the size of Planck length, the photon momentum needs to be very large due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and so much energy in such a small space would create a tiny black hole with the diameter of its event horizon equal to a Planck length. (thus) The Planck length may represent the diameter of the smallest possible black hole.

And yet we do have a clue, in the notion of a 'bit'. It might be possible to determine divisions of the planck length by observing time or space differences if a multiplicative effect could be introduced to magnify operations taking place over the same planck length (within a planck length or planck area or planck time).

Latest Papers

These papers seem to contradict some of the above quoted papers: