= Lets get Biblical The Tovia Singer show on Tenak Talk. I'm going to need help to finish this. Please contact me if you are interested in helping. == 2022 === 1371 Rabbi Tovia singer discusses: Is The Lords Prayer Jewish? April 24, 2022 * 2:00 Is the Lord's prayer Jewish? == 2021 === 1104 - Rabbi Tovia Singer answers: "How Can Christianity Reject Judaism when Jesus WAS Jewish?" * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JOJVNGLOQE|1104 - Rabbi Tovia Singer answers: "How Can Christianity Reject Judaism when Jesus WAS Jewish?"]] * How Can Christianity Reject Judaism when Jesus WAS Jewish? * Notes on Christians deceptively posing as Jews to convert Jews (debunking messianic judaism) [[https://youtu.be/0JOJVNGLOQE?t=220|3:40]] Also see: [[Did Paul lie?]] * How Can Christianity Reject Judaism when Jesus WAS Jewish? [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JOJVNGLOQE&t=998s|Question @ 16:38]], [[https://youtu.be/0JOJVNGLOQE?t=1074|Answer @ 17:54]] * What do you say to someone who knows Jesus isn't the messiah, but is afraid to leave the Church? [[https://youtu.be/0JOJVNGLOQE?t=1965|32:45]] * Did the Hannukah Miracle really happen? [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JOJVNGLOQE&t=2199s|36:39]] ** NOTE: This question seems to have been recorded incorrectly, check to see if a copy exists on R. Singer's channel ** NOTE: This may not be fixable as a streaming error was announced in chat by the admin * Was the bronze serpent on the pole (Nehush) of Moses the same serpent as in the garden of Eden? [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JOJVNGLOQE&t=3265s|54:25]] Numbers 21, 2 kings 18 * Was the covenant nullified in in Amos 9? What is the timeframe? [[https://youtu.be/0JOJVNGLOQE?t=3648|1:00:48]] * Was Jesus a sacrifice under the law? Was Jesus an acceptable sacrifice? Was Jesus sacrificed properly? Was Jesus a kosher sacrifice? Is such a sacrifice even possible? [[https://youtu.be/0JOJVNGLOQE?t=4116|1:08:36]] Hebrews 9:22 vs. Leviticus 17:11; Hebrews 10:1, Hebrews 8 vs Jeremiah 31:31, Leviticus 10 & 11, etc. vs Hebrews 10:4 * In Christianity God is Love, so why does the bible seem to use God to excuse horrible actions such as slavery, genocide, and territorial wars? Why doesn't God just be good? Why does God allow evil to exist? [[https://youtu.be/0JOJVNGLOQE?t=5412|1:30:12]], [[https://youtu.be/0JOJVNGLOQE?t=5675|Answer @ 1:34:35]] == 2020 === Did Angels have sex with women? * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU5AxGQCjh8&t=288 (2020-09-24)|Did angels have sex with women? Rabbi Tovia Singer unravels the most perplexing passage in the Torah]] * Did angels have sex with humans? * Are the Nephilim fallen angels? * Do angels have free will? * Can angels sin? * Who were the nephilim? * Why did God cause the flood? == 2018 === Let's Get Biblical Q&A with Rabbi Tovia Singer No. 113 (2018-02-18) * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5baSaQhBGEE|Did Jesus Fulfill Prophecy by Riding On a Donkey? 414)113]] ** 00:05:13 Did Christianity change the meaning of "Priest"? ** 00:26:40 One cannot be both King AND Priest (see: [[Priests and Kings]]) ** 00:28:45 Why was Jethro allowed to advise Moses? ** 00:35:18 Hexagram origin regarding the Temple ** 00:45:00 Did Jesus Fulfill Prophecy by Riding On a Donkey? (see: [[Matthew's Fulfillment Citations]], [[Unfulfilled Messianic Prophecies]]) ** 00:58:58 Matthew and Luke disagree regarding the donkey. (see: [[Matthew's Fulfillment Citations]], [[Unfulfilled Messianic Prophecies]]) ** 01:06:36 If Jesus was referred to as the son of man, why do they believe he was born from a virgin? ** 01:13:25 Are there ancient manuscripts that prove Christianity? ** 01:24:10 The original Mark ends in chapter 18 with NO resurrection account. ** 01:43:36 Christians tried violently to preserve their sacred texts but in the end it did not work. ** 01:45:36 Oldest NT manuscripts are only from the 9th century ** 01:48:21 How will the coming of the Messiah effect non-Jews? ** 01:58:30 Who is allowed to profane the Sabbath? (see: [[did_jesus_lie#the_sabbath_was_made_for_man|The Sabbath was Made for Man]]) == 2016 * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Ts5ra5yqA|Rabbi Tovia Singer Reveals How Noah Was able to Identify Clean Animals Before the Torah was Received]] ** How did Noah know which animals were clean and unclean?