Table of Contents

Christianity: Good or Evil?

There is a big difference here between these terms – good, false, and bad, and “evil”. A religion can be good, bad and false, and not be Evil. However, as it turns out Christianity is indeed based on a very deep evil which we will examine in this article.

A religion of Darkness

Christianity is a religion of Darkness. This means that Christians do not understand the scriptures – nether the Hebrew scriptures, nor their own Greek scriptures. Let us examine one of the basic doctrines of Christianity as found in the Greek scriptures, John 14:6:

What do Christians mean by this? Let us examine a typical Christian exposition on this verse:

Explanation and Commentary on John 14:6

Jesus had just told the disciples that he was going to the Father to prepare a place for them and that they knew the way. One of them protested that they did not know the way because they didn’t even know where he was going. Jesus replied that he is the way. This was a profound declaration of the true nature of God the Father.

No one who rejected Jesus could ever claim to know God because Jesus is God (John 8:41). Chapter 11 of the Book of Hebrews states the amazing truth that all of the heroes of the Old Testament were saved by faith in Christ, although they did not have the full revelation that the disciples of Jesus had. As Paul said about Abraham (Ro 4), because each of them truly believed God and obeyed His call, their faith was reckoned as righteousness in Christ.

Jesus was the Lamb slain since the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8), and even before anyone could fully understand, he was the way, the truth, and the life.

Breaking Down the Key Parts of John 14:6

  • #1 “Jesus answered, “I am the way…”
    • When the disciples wanted to know how to get to the Father, Jesus answered that he was the only way to the Father.
  • #2 “…the truth…”
    • Jesus is the source of all truth. He is the answer to the most important questions. The fact of Jesus’ life and death shows the truth about our divine image and our fallen nature. Jesus came because it was the only way to satisfy God’s justice and his mercy. The life of Jesus shows the total truth about reality and the way that we ought to live and be. We must worship in “Spirit and in truth” (Jn 4:23). There are many false and ridiculous notions of who God is, but Jesus shows us the truth about him.
  • #3 “…and the life.”
    • “In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind” (Jn 1:3). The world and all life were created through Christ. Christ alone is the answer to the problem of death that was introduced by Adam’s sin. Jesus promised that he came so that we would have life abundantly (Jn 10:10).
  • #4 “No one comes to the Father except through me.”
    • Many people say that they believe in God, but if they have seen Jesus, yet reject him, then they don’t know the Father, and they cannot get to him in their sin. Jesus’ death on the cross made a way through the curtain to the holy of holy places. Now, because of Christ, we can enter boldly into the glorious presence of the Father (Heb 10:19).

This exposition is typical – a sort of vague sloganeering is used to deflect from the original question and induce the acceptance of darkness as light. The original question as given in the text is that the apostles did not know the way. Jesus' response was what they did know the way (“From now on you do know him and have seen him.”) and that he was the way. This answer does not explain anything. Sadly, the exposition itself adds nothing to this except another layer of obfuscation. What does it mean that (#1) he is the only way to the father? This is dependent on a knowledge of how he is the way that they must follow. Let us speculate; could it be by following his example? To what degree? Or does it only mean to follow his teachings? Or does it mean only what Jesus himself said in v.15, to follow the commandments – the very antithesis of Christianity? Unfortunately we are left to speculation and find ourselves in a position of darkness (non-understanding).

In point #2, the statement is made that Jesus is “the truth”. What does this possibly mean? Jesus states in v.2 “ If it were not so, would I have told you … ?” This requires a very large suspension of disbelief. What does it mean that Jesus is the truth? Even the christian exposition has difficulty getting past the idea that it means anything other than he is “telling the truth” – the idea that “The life of Jesus shows the total truth about reality and the way that we ought to live and be.” is clearly false as Christianity does not teach us to live or act like Jesus at all, contrary to what common sense might tell you (and the odd Christian). No Christian today lives like Jesus did. Alas, we must then fall back on to some sort of speculation of what Jesus means as a role model – because at the same time as stating he is a role model, Christians seem in utter darkness about what this would mean.

If we go beyond this we reach the statements “Jesus is the source of all truth. He is the answer to the most important questions. The fact of Jesus’ life and death shows the truth about our divine image and our fallen nature.” and this is again a deflection, an answer of darkness. What does it mean that Jesus is the source of all truth? That he is the answer? He is not the answer in any practical sense. Waving our hands in the air and just saying “Jesus is the answer!” whenever we encounter problems in life is not a useful way of looking at the world, and is in all likelyhood not what the passage is trying to get us to do. And yet this is exactly what is prescribed by mainstream Christianity – the religion that is incapable of understanding it's own scripture!

The key-lock of #3

If we now assume that what is really being said here is that Jesus is the “true answer” to “the problem of sin” – which is perhaps the most realistic practical interpretation, the point of this exposition seems to be that of tying Jesus into the position of God. v1. “Just relax! You believe in God, therefore also believe in me.”

You believe in God, therefore, believe in me.

One of the major darkneses of Christianity is that it is unaware of the Hebrew scriptures and the fact that these Christian doctrines are diametrically opposed to God's plan in the tanakh. Unfortunately we now come full circle and the Christian M.O. is to cut you off from the real source of truth; one must believe in and follow Jesus and not God. Once the believer has placed all his trust in Jesus and away from God and the bible, the darkness has become complete. It is at this point that the believer is introduced to the Mysteries of Christianity (see below).

A Religion of Poison

Christianity is a religion of lies. Once the believer places their trust in a member of the church, this trust is abused to indoctrinate the believer via darkness – see above into the so-called “Mysteries of the Church”. Make no mistake, this is nothing other than getting someone to believe a lie.

Once this step has become complete, it is very difficult to get the believer out of the christian cult, as there have been created several deep-seated trust and emotional issues that block you from getting them to stop believing the lies. It is my hope that identifying these lies for what they are may shock some people out of the church. I admit this is an extremely dangerous tactic, so for anyone who is concerned that I am rug-pulling christianity and leaving believers with nothing – may I point out that counter-examples were given from scripture. The Christian is advised to turn to the hebrew scriptures immediately and re-base their entire world-view from there, as soon as possible. It is, unfortunately, usually something that one must do by themselves. So if anyone should ask, me or you or someone else, please always offer friendship and advice to someone who is coming out of the church. It is one of the greatest acts of kindness possible.

The Lie of What Is

God created the world, and on the 7th day he ceased from his work of creation. It is abundantly clear that God created things, and then ordered them in the world, at which point he declared that they were 'good' – and then he ceased those works and moved on – eventually to cease all his work of creation. The Christian first acts to indoctrinate the darkness by claiming that God created the world “through Jesus” (Hebrews 1:2), whatever that means, and then to state that he (v.3) “…upholds (sustains) the universe… ” and “…he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high”.

These concepts are also found in verses like Colossians 1:16 “for by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:”, Hebrews 12:2 “and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”, Mark 16:19 “…was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.”

None of these concepts are familiar to the Hebrew Scriptures.

Did God create the world “through” anything or anyone, at all? No:

These and many other passages are clear, and yet Christians instead hold to the heresy of Emanation, which is a hallmark of pagan philosophies like gnosticism and neoplatonism.

To explain the relation of a totally transcendent G-d to a finite and imperfect world, the belief in emanation denies that G-d directly created the world but maintains rather that the world is the result of a chain of emergence through emanations. From God … the one prime principle, flows the divine substance; His own substance never lessens. As the flow proceeds farther from God, however, its divinity decreases. … Emanation never ceases, the whole process moving continuously outward from God.“

This heresy is a necessary darkness of Christianity because otherwise it would be self-evidently impossible for a totally transcendent God to give “his son” in the manner of Christianity! Thus a fundamental schism is created between the truth and the Christian – they do not even know what the source of all truth is (creation ex nihilo) and have instead fallen for an ancient pagan heresy. This is what allows them to state that God would have such a modus operandi in the first place, when clearly he does not.

The Lie of 1=2

The mystery of the hypostatic union is, succinctly and without lack or embellishment, that Jesus is 100% Human; and that Jesus is 100% God. That's it. It is not a statement that Jesus is equal to God. It is a statement that Jesus is both 100% human and also 100% God. Let us examine this in any other light. A particular mind is 100% man and 100% divine. A particular food is both 100% an apple, and 100% a steak.

The only possible logical conclusion to draw from this is the inference that God is a man. if Jesus is 100% man and 100% God. then God is 100% God and 100% a man. In other words, the laws of truth and logic have been suspended. Jesus is not “God” in an equivalence standpoint of 1=1, but in the sense of 1=2. There is nothing else to say about the so-called mystery of the hypostatic union other than that people have been indoctrinated to believe that a lie is the truth.

The lie of 1=3

The Mystery of the Trinity is a little different because it is even more self-evidently false. It is church doctrine that the mystery of the trinity is, succinctly and without lack or embellishment, that God is three persons. Usually stated as “The Trinity is three persons in one God.” Then it is immediately stated that the term person here has a special theological meaning which was created to explain the trinity. What is this meaning, you ask? “Let us never – heaven forbid – state that there is any distinction or division within God; and thus when we state Trinity the meaning of persons should in no way indicate a division or distinctness within God.”

And yet it obviously does, or there is no logical reason to say Trinity at all. If God is one, then he is one, not three. If there is no practical meaning or application to this, then it is of no theological value and we might as well speak of the duality or quadrality of God. We do not, because God is one. And thus, there is nothing more to say on this that not only has the believer once again been indoctrinated into believing a lie is true, but they are told straight-out that someone invented this because no one can understand or explain the Trinity. So if no one can understand or explain it, then who invented this rubbish and why is it being taught in the first place? Because once the believer becomes dependent on believing the lies to support their worldview, it is very difficult to get them out of the cult. The cognitive dissonance becomes so great that it may cause psychological damage to rip them out of the church. Many believers will need to pass through a complex series of emotions beginning with anger and possibly physical violence before they will realize the truth and become able to move away from these lies.

The Lie that you are cut-off from God

There are many minor lies told in Christianity but I believe this is a major one. It is also part of the theme of the recent article so I will touch upon it here.

The concept of the Hebrew scriptures is that we all, every one of us, have an open relationship with God, and we do not “need” Jesus.

in 1 Kings 8 we read in Solomon's dedication of the first temple, “26 Now therefore, O God of Israel, let your word be confirmed, which you have spoken to your servant David my father: 27 “But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you; how much less this house that I have built! 28 Yet have regard to the prayer of your servant and to his plea, O Lord my God, listening to the cry and to the prayer that your servant prays before you this day, 29 that your eyes may be open night and day toward this house, the place of which you have said, ‘My name shall be there,’ that you may listen to the prayer that your servant offers toward this place. 30 And listen to the plea of your servant and of your people Israel, when they pray toward this place. And listen in heaven your dwelling place, and when you hear, forgive.”

Thus, when the temple would no longer contain God's presence, or when it would be destroyed, “yet have regard to the prayer of your servant” – “when they pray toward this place.” – “and when you hear, forgive.” Thus in Judaism one faces Jerusalem when they pray, as stated in the scriptures. One does not need Jesus for forgiveness. No one ever needed Jesus for forgiveness, nor for communication with, or a relationship with God.

What does God say? We see in 2 Chronicles that Solomon's dedication was based on revelation by God:

It was never the position of the scriptures that the law was anything other than God's perfect decree, valid and applicable for eternity. Do not follow Jesus; follow God.

There are a multitude of these verses throughout the scripture.

It is God who says and does these things. One does not need an intermediary to get to the Father! The typification of “God the Father” is the typification of our relationship with him! Do you speak to your father through his secretary? No, then you do not need Jesus either!

Let us close with a reading of Deuteronomy 6:4; then I urge you to decide; will you side with the nation of Israel or will you side with the pagan nations of the world?